It's that time of year again when young children drag their parents and grandparents to the local theatre to see the Christmas panto. Although you may dread it, by the end every parent is on their feet singing and dancing along with the kids. Here are some ideas of productions to go and see this year;
Aladdin- Kings Theatre, Glasgow
Dates: till 12th January 2014
Cast: Karen Dunbar, Des Clarke, Jenny Douglas, Gordon Cooper, Gavin Mitchell,
Steven McNicoll, Kieren Brown, John Ramage
-For more information and to buy tickets click
The Wizard of Oz- Motherwell Theatre, Motherwell
Dates: till 5th January 2014
Cast: Ian ' Sheepie' Smith, Melissa Davie, Jamie Bannerman, Phil Amato, Natalie Toyne, Chloe Webster, Ian Wotherspoon
-For more information and to buy tickets click
Cinderella- His Majesty's Theatre, Aberdeen
Dates: till 5th January 2014
Cast: Elaine C Smith, Barbara Rafferty, Alan McHugh, Iain Stuart Robertson, Jordan Young, Gillian Parkhouse, Ross William Wild, Complete with flying horse
-For more information and to buy tickets click
The Magical Adventures of Pinocchio- The Pavilion Theatre, Glasgow
Dates: till 19th January 2014
Cast: Dean Park, Stephen Purdon, Michelle McManus, Shebhan Littlejohn, Joyce Falconer, Iain Gouck, Johnny Mac, James McKenzie
-For more information and to buy tickets click
Dick Whittington- SECC, Glasgow
Dates: till 5th January 2014
Cast: John Barrowman, The Krankies, Ashleigh Grey, Pete Gallagher, Lisa Ann Wood, Lukus Alexander, Aaron Romano, Morgan Jackson, Laura Ava Scott, Jamal Crawford, Ashlee beare, Kylie Smith, Mitchell Jarvis, Dan Keen, Lucia Gonzales, Rachel Isherwood, James Titchener
-For more information and to buy tickets click